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Spectator-mode Notepad

NMAP Reference

  1. nmap -sP : Simple ping scan to check host availability without port scanning.
  2. nmap -F : Fast scan of the 100 most common ports for a quick vulnerability assessment.
  3. nmap -sV : Service version scan to determine the version of services running on each port, great for OS and app fingerprinting.
  4. nmap -A : Aggressive scan combining OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.
  5. nmap -sn : ICMP ping scan to discover hosts without port scanning.
  6. nmap -sT : TCP connect scan to check if ports are open by completing the 3-way handshake.
  7. nmap -sU : UDP scan to find open UDP ports, useful for services like DNS and SNMP.
  8. nmap -p- : Scan all ports (1-65535) on a target for comprehensive port scanning.
  9. nmap -O : Enable OS detection to determine the operating system running on the target host.
  10. nmap -sS : SYN scan to send SYN packets and analyze the responses to determine open ports.
  11. nmap -sX : XMAS scan to send TCP packets with the FIN, PSH, and URG flags set, useful for firewall evasion.
  12. nmap -sC : Scan with default scripts enabled to perform advanced vulnerability scanning and service detection.
  13. nmap -v : Verbose output to provide more detailed information during the scan.
  14. nmap -T<0-5> : Settiming template for the scan (higher is faster but less reliable).
  15. nmap -iL : Read targets from a file to perform scans.

Further reading: “Nmap Network Scanning” by Gordon “Fyodor” Lyon