Log of E

Spectator-mode Notepad

Time Flying

What happened?

I blinked and I seem to have missed out more than half a year.

In my vague defense, it has been a busy six months. I’m not going to get into everything that’s happened to me personally over the last 180 days.

Professionally has been busy too.

I keep going to conferences, I keep making presentations, and they’re going well. If I want to turn it into a career, however, I probably need to generate more content. Maybe I should be aiming for a blog post a month.

I’d like if I could journal more frequently. I don’t know why I don’t. Chain of consciousness is not a terrible idea.

Better than having one blog post in May, and this being my second post of the year. It’s not entirely true, though. Or is it? I feel like I wrote some blogs for my company.

I’m musing with some ideas. One is called WorldTree, and I’ll get to that in another post.

The other is the idea of actually setting up branding.

This blog is a hidden space. It… doesn’t really serve much purpose other than giving me an excuse to write. But what if I had a more reasonable, companion blog. Then this could retain its position as spectator-mode notepad, and the other that contains… reasonable blogs? Do I write reasonable blogs?

Could I commit to 1 sensible blog a month? I look at the list of what I’ve written…

I don’t know? Maybe I could.